NOTE: This game is a HTML5 game. It’s not a client-server game. Which means that ALL the files of the game, including numerous images of decks, will be loaded to your browser cash. The good news is that you can turn off your Internet connection AFTER the game is loaded and run. The game will keep working. The bad news is that sometimes your browser can show you the error “Out of Memory” or something like that. To fix this, try to clear the CASH of your browser and, after that, to load and run the game again.

How to clear the cash in different browsers:


The sets of images “Sensations” (the largest size), “Series-Pt2”, “Guys”, “Categories”, “Series-Pt1” and “Food” have the large size. They naturally need much of memory of your browser.

The sets of images “Colors” (the smallest size), “Symbols” and “Images” have the small size.

In case you cleared your browser cash and still have the error “Out of Memory”, try to play the set of images “Colors”:

landscape version:

portrait version:

PUMP Your Intuition!

This is a portrait ("Port") version of my HTML5 game. The set of pictures "Series - Part 1" contains the decks of cards:

1) Series "The Big Bang Theory" (2007-2019):


2) Series "Person of Interest" (2011-2016):


3) Series "Chuck" (2007-2012):


4) Series "Upload" (2020-):


Check out other sets of pictures in my account here:

Check out my shared folder on Google Drive if you need only the pictures from my games to use them for your own trainings:


You can create your own cool game using the Godot Engine:

It's a SIMPLE, FREE, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games.

I created this game for my own purpose, NOT for commercial one. So if you see unlicensed images in my game, it's totally OK :)


Explore how: to play, to change language (English, Ukrainian, Russian), to change theme (dark, grey, white, black, yellow), to choose routines and particular games, to change your deck of cards and to start a funny "auto change" of games by this screenshot and button functions:

Try the useful “Auto Result” mode:

Folks, here’s a psychological trick. The easiest way to develop a new habit is to make the new habit a part of our old habit which we use regularly.

We all already have several old habits which we repeat every day. We brush our teeth, cook food, wash dishes, do the cleaning, lie on the couch :) etc. We can do these routine activities almost automatically and without risk to harm ourselves or people around us. So we can make this boring stuff funnier by pumping intuition.

But I faced a problem. When I’m pumping my intuition while washing dishes, my hands are wet to touch the screen of my phone. Moreover, to press the buttons in the game, I have to go from the sink to the table, where my phone is, and then go back over and over again.

So I added to my game a new cool feature “Auto Result”. You can find this mode and easily adjust it to your needs by pressing the “Play/ Stop” icon in my game.

In simple words, “Auto Result” is an advanced version of slideshow for training intuition. Of course, you can turn it off and play the game as you used to. The feature “Auto Change” from the previous version of my game is still here. And you can combine both modes “Auto Result” and “Auto Change” for more fun.

How I use the “Auto Result” mode:

1) I take a look at the screen to see what images are shown there. I focus on a question and keep it in my mind.

2) Then I switch to my routine activity. It lets me to become a little bit unfocused. The brain's default mode network starts working.

But instead of thinking about the fake news or anxious thoughts (rumination), I keep focusing on the simple question: What image will be the answer? It lets the thoughts with the clues for an answer pop up in my mind.

During the classical meditations, people use some objects to train focusing on them: a candle flame or a dot on the floor (“trataka” meditation), breathing and sensations (“vipassana” meditation), sounding and vibration of a voice (mantras) etc.

I do exactly the same. But I focus on the SIMPLE questions and I check my answers.

NOTE: There’s no need to see the whole answer-image in full detail. Several clues are enough to figure out the answer. For instance, does the answer-image have green or red color? Is the answer-image more “horizontal” or “vertical”? Is the answer-image darker or lighter? And so on.

3) After a certain period of time (adjustable), the game plays a short sound (adjustable) to warn that the result is about to be shown. After that signal, I have a time (adjustable) to take a look at the screen and see the result.

That’s how I switch back to focusing on reality (the brain's central executive network aka frontoparietal network starts working). I consciously draw conclusions what of my clues were right and what of them were wrong.

After that, the game shows me another question. And so on.

So technically I train switching between the “conscious”, “logical” central executive network and “subconscious”, “creative” default mode network.

NOTE: When the Auto Result mode or-and the Auto Change mode are on, you still can:

1) change the cards of the deck (press the “Gear” icon),

2) change the routine (press the “Home” icon),

3) navigate between the games in the current routine (press “Forward”, “Back”, “The First” and “The Last” icons),

4) reset the stats (press “00” icon).

There’s no need to stop the Auto modes!

You can use Auto modes not for Games only, but for Players too. Just press the “Home” icon and choose some Player.

Moreover, you can keep pressing the buttons in the Games and Players when Auto modes are on. So you will get scores in the Games and navigate in the Players.

How I use the combination of the “Auto Result” and “Auto Change” modes:

1) I set the time before the sound to 25-30 sec. It’s enough to have some clues about the answer.

2) If I have the answer before the sound is played, I press the buttons on the screen to get the scores and move on to the next question.

3) If I’m stuck and have contradictory versions of the answer, the sound makes me hurry up and choose one version finally. And I still can get scores.

4) If I “feel nothing” about the question or if I’m afraid to make a choice and to fail, I can skip the round or two and just watch.

Moreover, if your meditation is deep enough, you don’t want to move at all, even to press the button for the right answer. But you can keep watching the screen and checking your clues.

Folks, don’t treat it too seriously. Since you are novices and since you can’t demonstrate the cool results, you should have fun and enjoy the process. And it will make you practice it over and over again.

That was why I prepared so many decks of images. And that’s why I show you the different ways of pumping your intuition. Don’t make it boring or disappointing!

As soon as you develop a habit to practice it regularly, you will start enjoying your results more than the process and fun.

It can be as funny as watching the short videos on TikTok, or Shorts on YouTube, or Stories on Instagram, or playing other mobile games. But pumping your intuition will bring you much more benefits!

NOTE: You can easily turn off the sound in the game.

To do that, press the “Play /Stop” icon, then press the option button “Before auto result, play the sound” and choose “NO”.


About the distorted sounds in the game.

I have to use the old version "v3.4.4-stable_win32" of Godot engine on my very old laptop. And there is a known problem that Godot can distort the sounds.

For instance, the GitHub user Alex Otsuka

offered the solution for this problem

"Fix audio crackling issues due to incorrect WASAPI buffer size #89283":

Maybe this issue has been fixed in the latest versions of Godot. As soon as I have a chance, I will run my projects on the latest versions of this game engine.


But for now, if you have any problems with the sounds in my game, just press the “Play /Stop” icon, then press the option button “Before auto result, play the sound” and choose “NO”. You will still be able to use the “Auto Result” and “Auto Change” modes.

If you need the sounds from this version of my game for some purposes, or the source code, or HTML5 export, check out my shared folder on Google Drive:


A few TIPS for pumping intuition:

TIP #1: NO mystic stuff!

Treat intuition NOT as something mystical. Treat this game as a good exercise for making decisions in situations with a high degree of uncertainty.

As any exercise, it will work, if you do it regularly and correctly and rest well after that.

As any exercise, you CAN'T do it all day or long hours. You can start from 2-5-15 minutes just to develop a habit.

You can "spread" your "pumping" during the day and play this game every time when you take a break at work instead of scrolling social networks with fake and frightening news.

TIP #2: NO fake fears (neurotic fears)!

ANY uncertainty scares us. It's a psychological fact.

When we are scared, we INSTINCTIVELY return to the stereotypical "trusted" behaviors.

And instead of seeing what's going on for real, we start seeing our fake fears or our illusions about how things are supposed to be.

That's how our mind works.

A strong desire and expectation also distort the picture of reality for us (see "confirmation bias").

So the less fake fears, desires and expectations you have during "pumping", the "clearer" your feelings and thoughts are and the better results you have.

You can use this game as a test and exercise at the same time for staying comfortable and calm in uncomfortable and alarming situations.

The hardest thing is to stay calm when you have many good results in a row :)

Usually, people start worrying about how not to be mistaken and keep the good result, and ironically, their fears don't let them see things clear and ruin their good results.

According to Andrey Kurpatov and his very effective book "Cчастлив по собственному желанию" (Happy at own will), our emotional state is a RESULT of a combination of:

1) our physical state (muscle tension)

2) our physiological state (breathing, autonomic nervous system),

3) and the state of our thoughts.

So to manage our emotional state, we have to manage all those three components AT THE SAME TIME.

To relieve muscle tension, you can use yoga, stretching,  massage, some spa relaxation procedures or Progressive muscle relaxation by Edmund Jacobson:

To calm down your autonomic nervous system, you can use any exercises with prolonged exhalation (meditation on the breath, pranayama, a breath-counting game etc).

To calm down your thoughts, you can use any exercises with focusing your attention on an object, activity, on your sensations, feelings or your thoughts (all kinds of meditation, Samadhi, Vipassana).

NOTICE: Most of us have neurotic fears, anxious thoughts and other "chronic" psychological issues which we have ignored for years and decades.

So even if you manage to relax your muscles with Progressive muscle relaxation and calm your thoughts down with meditation, as soon as you get back to your regular life, your untreated "chronic" psychological issues will bring you back your muscle tension, anxious thoughts and as a result - a bad intuition.

So use cognitive behavioral therapy or other SCIENTIFIC and PROVEN psychological tools to treat "chronic" psychological issues.

And you will see the things clear even without clairvoyance :)

TIP #3: NO hallucinations, visions, channeling and other creepy stuff!

Folks, when people have too vivid sensations and too "loud" thoughts in their minds, they are unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy. And it causes them and their relatives many troubles :(

So DON'T try to get super vivid sensations and "loud and clear" thoughts during pumping your intuition. You will be able to notice even very quiet sensations and thoughts in your mind if you follow my TIP #2 and treat your "chronic" psychological issues :)

Treat your intuition as if you try to remember something what you knew but forgot or as if you try to create a story in your imagination about something. Those kinds of sensations and thoughts, which you use for remembering and creating the story in your imagination, will be enough for pumping intuition.

There's no need to try to see the whole picture in full detail to make a decision. To feel at least some details and features, which help you to recognize the picture or distinguish it from other pictures around, will be enough to make a decision.

Folks, we perceive reality through our five senses, through our emotional feelings and through our thoughts (cognitive functions).

So when you try to get intuitive information, just direct your attention from external reality to YOUR OWN, INNER "reality".

Instead of focusing on external stimuli, focus on your inner stimuli when you want to get intuitive information:

1) 5 senses: What does it look like? (dark or light, color, shape, visual associations)

What sounds can it give me? (loud or quiet, noise, voice, music, auditory associations)

What kinesthetic sense can it give me? (size, weight, density, material, texture, motion speed, temperature, tactile associations)

What does it taste like? (sweet, bitter, salty, sour, taste associations)

What does it smell like? Does it smell so bad or I just need to take a shower? :)

2) Emotions: What emotions does it evoke in me? Sadness? Happiness? Fear? Anger? Surprise? Disgust? Mix of them? In what situations did I feel the same emotions in my life before?

3) Thoughts: What thoughts does it evoke in me? In what situations did I have the same thoughts in my life before? What associations with the words, numbers, concepts, people, events and other information does it cause in me?

And so on :)


The psychological fact is that we CAN'T remember something or even imagine something what we didn't know, didn't see and didn't recognize before. Even our super creative imagination is a combination of our previous experience. It's totally OK. That's how our brain works.

So the more mindful experience about your senses, feeling and thoughts you have, the easier you will get intuitive information and the more detailed it will be.

You can get more mindful experience just asking yourself from time to time, "What physical senses does this thing give me? What emotional feelings does this thing give me? What thoughts does this thing give me?"

For this purpose, I added the "Player for pictures What am I feeling?" (randomly) and the "Player for pictures What am I feeling?" (in order) to each game.

That's how you can "get acquainted" with the pictures in the deck and recognize what sensations, feelings and thoughts those pictures give you when you see them. And then you will use those sensations, feelings and thoughts to recognize pictures intuitively when you don't see them.

You will find those two players among routines when you press "Home" icon in my game. For more details press icon "?" in my game.

NOTICE: To use ALL these cards most effectively, press "Home" icon in my game and choose “Game Test yourself”. For more details press icon "?" in my game.

“Game Test yourself” will let you work with every card individually. You will practice your “absolute” viewing when you have no other cards around as clues. So you will need totally focus only on your own inner sensations, feelings and thoughts to get as much information about a hidden image as you can.

Folks, you don't even need to use my game and my decks of images to pump your intuition. You can easily do it with a partner: your colleague, friend, lover, kid, school mate, psychologist etc.

Just find ANY images, which you like, or which you need for work, or which you know well, and download them. Then use any picture gallery on your phone or laptop to let your partner to get acquainted with your deck.

And then you choose any "card" (image) from your deck which you want. And after that your partner calm down and try TO LET his or her intuition and associations POP UP in his or her mind. That's how intuition works, folks :)

We must LET IT POP UP in our mind and then necessarily CHECK it!

ATTENTION: If we check our guesses immediately, our mind can see immediately whether they were right or wrong and what exactly in its associations and sensations were right or wrong. And this let our mind correct its associations and sensations and improve our intuition effectively.

But if we make guesses and check them after a while or don’t check them at all, our mind can’t figure out what exactly in its associations and sensations were right or wrong. So our mind can’t understand how to correct its associations and sensations. And our intuition won’t progress.

Folks, if you like paper things, you can use standard Doman's cards with different images, words and numbers for kids. Or you can print your own paper deck in the shape of playing cards with ANY images for training. You can do it in any printing house.

Moreover, you can take the same pieces of note paper or cut any piece of paper into the same pieces. And then just WRITE the words on them, sort of, "orange", "gun". And you can use them as cards insted of images for pumping intuition as well. It will work too, folks.

Neurophysiologically, while pumping intuition, we do the following things:

1) We CONSCIOUSLY focus on the question.

Sort of, “What sensations does the hidden image give to me?” Or “Is it day or night in the hidden image? Is it light or dark out there in the image?” And so on.

That’s how we use our Central executive network (aka Frontoparietal network) to make a dominant (by Alexei Ukhtomsky) in our brain and prepare our brain for finding an answer to our question:

2) Then we RELAX, “chill” a bit, try to be UNFOCUSED and think of NOTHING SPECIFIC.

That’s how we let our powerful Default mode network (by Marcus Raichle) start working and give us clues for the answer:

The trick is that the Default mode network works WITHOUT our conscious control. It works UNCONSCIOUSLY :) So the thoughts, sensations and feelings, which the Default mode network gives us as clues, SEEM for us as they are NOT OUR OWN thoughts, sensations and feelings. No panic :)

The truth is that they are exactly OUR OWN thoughts, sensations and feelings. It’s how our brain normally works.

Our brain NORMALLY gives us clues and decisions bypassing consciousness (by Benjamin Libet):

And only after that, our consciousness (Central executive network) NOTICES them and approves or disapproves them. And we call it as “A thought has just popped up in my mind that I want to eat pizza" Or to go to pee. Or to go to bed. The same thing.

When Joanne Rowling is writing her new book or Taylor Swift is writing her new song, they do EXACTLY the same what we do when we are pumping our intuition. It’s a creativity and imagination as they are.

3) When OUR OWN Default mode network gave us some clues, we HAVE TO check them in reality whether they are right or wrong. It’s the most important step which distinguishes pumping intuition from writing a fiction book or writing a song.

Joanne Rowling cannot check whether her clues about Harry Potter’s life are right or wrong, you know :) But when we use hidden cards (images, pictures), we CAN and HAVE TO check our clues to develop our intuition effectively.

Folks, there are games in routines when a picture can remain in place or move to one of other places. So to keep a probability equal 50%, I first choose whether the picture will move or remain in place (50/50). And only in case it will move, I randomly choose in what another place it will be. I did it to avoid seduction to choose "other places" as a statistically more probable answer in that kind of games.

Folks, the trick is that no matter what results you have or will have in this game. Regular focusing on YOUR OWN, INNER "reality" and processes which take place there will help you to recognize those processes, make them conscious and manage them in situations with a high degree of uncertainty.

Our modern life is one big uncertainty :(

Or at least you will finally know how lemon tastes in your mouth and how it looks like in your mind :) I prefer to eat a slice of lemon with its peel  and a bit of sugar. So it tastes sour-bitter-sweet to me :)

Share these games with your friends to figure out whose intuition works better:

If your friends are successful businessmen, or military commanders, or agents of the special forces, ask them to play and to test their "gut feeling".

May the Force be with us, folks! :)

Updated 13 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreCard Game

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